Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fearless Gene

Scientists have found a gene that may control whether or not someone is a risk taker. As this ScienCentral News video explains, the gene controls development of a specific part of your brain.

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RPG written entirely in JavaScript

nice rpg game written full in JavaScript (not to be confused with Java) making it full playable inside a browser!

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Ethanol Can Replace Gasoline With Big Energy Savings, Comparable Impact On

Putting ethanol instead of gasoline in your tank saves oil and is probably no worse for the environment than burning gasoline, according to a new analysis by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.

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Python 2.4 Quick Reference Guide

A really well done quick reference guide for Python 2.4. It puts all the basics and necessary information about the language into a nice compact form for easy referencing. Enjoy!

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Scientific American - Obesity caused by virus?

A new study, published on Scientific American's online website, suggests that the real culprit in the growing obesity epidemic may not be consumption of large amounts of junk food, but a contagious virus...

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Hiding Email Addresses

A comprehensive list of methods on how to hide email addresses in source code from spam bots. Includes; CSS, Javascript, Forms, Images, Obfuscation, Authentication, Flash, Unicode, Encryption and other methods. Each technique is presented and explained with their advantages and downfalls.

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War of the browsers...

a connect four style game, which you battle the other browsers. Will Firefox remain the champion?

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Generate PDF files from Java applications dynamically

Quick overview with iText API to generate PDF files from Java at IBM Developerworks.

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$100 Laptops being delayed due to Microsoft & Software Politics?

In the year since MIT's Nicholas Negroponte unveiled his prototype, he has found himself wrestling with Microsoft and software politics

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What Application Do You Want Ported to Linux?

Novell's Cool Solutions posted a survey asking people what Windows-only applications they are using that prevent them from switching to Linux. The survey also asks current Linux users what Windows-only applications they would like to see ported to Linux.

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15 million Japanese No Longer Use Paper Money EVER

Today, however, for 15 million Japanese, paper money is a thing of the past, according to the Japan Research Institute. No longer solely used for online purchases, e-money, accessed via a smart card or mobile phone, has become a way of life for many consumers in Japan.

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Spell with Flickr - Get your name(or anything) spelled with Flickr Images!

Like the title says, just type in something(ie: your name, your web address, a small phrase) and this great little online app will take what you typed in fetch pictures from Flickr for each letter.

Give it a try! Very cool Flickr app!!

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Bill Gates too rich for tax computer to handle

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the world's richest man, said the tax office in the US has to store his financial data on a special computer because his fortune is so vast.

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Google denies plans to distribute OS based on Ubuntu

Take back all those diggs from the previous story alleging that google is working on its own version of ubuntu. This is a direct statement from them denying any such thing.

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Putting Star Wars to the Mythbusters Test

The cast of the show MythBusters chat about their pasts with ILM, talk about some Star Wars myths (Can you avoid freezing to death in a blizzard overnight by gutting a dead animal like a tauntaun and getting into its carcass?) and why R2-D2 is the perfect sidekick.

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Google Stock Crashes in After-Hours Trading

"Web search and Internet stock phenomenon Google Inc. on Tuesday posted a profit that missed Wall Street targets due largely to a higher than expected tax rate, sending its shares down as much as 19 percent in after hours trade." IT'S DOWN $70!

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How to Fix a Dead Pixel on an LCD Monitor

Sometimes, if there is a dead pixel, it's usually stuck, as the liquid crystal display (TFT LCD) has not covered the whole screen. This can be easily fixed.

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Web 2.0 Innovation Map

This Google Maps mashup visualizes the explosion of web applications by plotting over 200 sites gathered from various sources, using WHOIS information or contact information from the sites.

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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ultimate VNC Setup Tutorial

Tutorial on VNC and Hamachi. Good read.

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Convert any Instant Messaging Thread Into an Online Cartoon

A new web-based service that allows you to take any saved conversation and turn it into a pretty cartoon strip. This is ripe for abuse.

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The 100 Best Companies to Work For

Want a better company to work for here is a good list of the top 100 that you will actually like to work at.

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25 Words That Hurt Your Resume

Instead of... "Experience working in fast-paced environment"

Try... "Registered 120+ third-shift emergency patients per night"

Instead of... "Excellent written communication skills"

Try... "Wrote jargon-free User Guide for 11,000 users"


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More than 1000 wikipedia alterations by US Representative Staffers

The staff of U.S. Rep Marty Meehan wiped out references to his broken term-limits pledge as well as information about his huge campaign war chest. It also deleted a reference to the size of Meehan's campaign account, the largest of any House member at $4.8 million

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Effective Partitioning - The How and Why of it

Here is a very informative article which explores the subject of partitioning ones hard disk. It explains why partitioning is necessary and the good design principles to be followed while creating them.

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Best language for teaching Computer Science?

After Joel Spolsky's famous rant about how Java isn't hard enough to teach computer science, here's a fresh idea about the best teaching language.

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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Fusion using Sound Waves CONFIRMED!

A team of researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, and the Russian Academy of Sciences has used sound waves to induce nuclear fusion (sonofusion)!

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World's Magnetic Field might Flip Soon

We all know that the world's magnetic field is weakening, but could it be because we are due for a magnetic field reversal? This would mean that animals might go the wrong way during migration or the fact that compasses might swing 180 degrees and point south. The magnetic shield might even disappear for a century or two.

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Slick New Way to Install Linux

PCLinux has a story about Instalinux, a web site that lets you create a "hands-free" install disk. You can choose from Fedora, SuSE, Debian or Ubuntu.

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Are smarter people better at ignoring things?

An interesting scientifically test shows that smarter people actually remember less details. They tend to focus on what's essential. Interesting

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Hacking Human Eyes

A study was done where people put on glasses which inverted the image. They saw everything upside-down, but after wearing them constantly for a few days, their brains were retrained to flip the image right-side-up again. When they took the glasses off, the image was upside-down again!

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Microsoft's Sparkle: Is It a Flash Killer?

"Developers get their first taste of a test build of Microsoft's new visual-development tool. But can Windows woo creative professionals?"

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How to Install Firefox 1.5 in Ubuntu Linux

For those are not as terminal savy, this wiki gives a great step-by-step guide how to install Firefox 1.5.

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Bash and OpenSSH magic

Nice article about Bash and SSH, how you can run commands on a remote computer and use the output on your own and vice verse.

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Developing for PS3 is Easy

Over at the PlayStation Forums, the Kill Zone 2 development team has been answering questions about their upcoming PS3 title. The Lead Tester at Guerrilla Games posted this juicy morsel:

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Google statistics on the HTML content of 1 billion pages

In December 2005 we did an analysis of a sample of slightly over a billion documents, extracting information about popular class names, elements, attributes, and related metadata. The results we found are available below. We hope this is of use!

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Sex Keeps You Calm

GOT some public speaking to do? Here's a tip to keep stress at bay: have sex beforehand. But make sure it's penetrative sex - the magic vanishes if you pursue other forms of sexual gratification.

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Google Date

Google Date lets you enter a date and then searches using Google for what happened on that date and shows results. (Some weird ishh happend the day I was born.)

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Get your Ubuntu box up and working in full throttle as quickly as possible.

This little program lets you choose to install Firefox 1.5, OpenOffice.org 2.0, Multimedia Codecs, DVD Playback, Skype, VLC, and many other essential apps.

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How to Be Creative

An excellent read detailing 30 ways to be more creative!

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Kevin Rose Reveals It All...

Come get the inside scoop on Digg's founder, Kevin Rose.

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Complete Digg Tools Collection

[Site is constantly updated - Last update 1/20/2006] Complete Digg Tools Collection.

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Using Waterpipes to Create Colossal Ice Structures!

The Alaskan Alpine Club keeps a photo-journal of their gigantic creation...Remember, they just use water and strategically placed pipes!

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Insane Aurora Video

The IMAGE satellite captured this view of the Aurora Australis (southern lights) on September 11, 2005, four days after a record-setting solar flare sent plasma flying towards the Earth. The ring of light that the solar storm generated over Antarctica glows green in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.

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11 Things To Do After A Hack

Here's a brief list of some steps to take "post-hack" to ensure you have the best chance of determining who did what and how it was done.

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Buy DaVinci's Cryptex -- These things look amazing

For all you DaVinci Code fans out there this is really awesome. This site builds Cryptex's to custom orders. Some of these look really awesome! Check out the gallery on the website.

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Russia to Build Permanent Moonbase

"We are planning to build a permanent base on the moon by 2015 and by 2020 we can begin the industrial-scale delivery...of the rare isotope Helium-3."

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NASA embraces bittorrent - download a 2.9GB (single) picture today!

NASA has been experimenting with BT for a while, but it's only recently that it's started using it for its massive picture library, "Visible Earth". Previously you needed to be an accredited journalist to get these files - now, thanks to BitTorrent, you can download them for yourself. Finally, a desktop background for your 86400 x 43200 monitor!

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Ruby/Python/C++/Java Side By Side Code Comparison

An essay comparing some aspects of the 4 languages but possibly more interesting is the page that lets you make a side by side comparison of some real code of a red-black tree algorithm done in each language. Follow the link to the comparison page.

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Google announces pop-ups, floaters, and interstitial ads

Google AdSense is moving beyond the traditional text and graphical advertising to rich media, including interstitials, expanding ads and floating ads. AdSense began contacting publishers last week to be involved in the rich media limited beta test.

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Apple's new patent reveals a unique "Gaming Tablet" application

Apple's new accelerometer patent reveals a tablet PC,it's all about a wild new video game application for Apple's accelerometer technology. It provides specific gaming examples of user as a driver and pilot and even provides a glimpse of how the accelerometer will be used in First Person Shooter games. Check it out!

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Email masking with CSS

A CSS technique for displaying your full email address in plain text while masking it from spammers. Degrades gracefully too.

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Fusion using Sound Waves CONFIRMED!

A team of researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, and the Russian Academy of Sciences has used sound waves to induce nuclear fusion (sonofusion)!

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Google Explains China Decision

Google finally explains and officially comments on its controversial decision to filter search results in China. Good read.

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fastr รข�� a flickr game

Fastr is a game that uses flickr images. It loads ten images that all share a common tag, one by one, and you guess what the tag is. When you guess right, the tag will turn blue. Then you can watch the pictures until the next set begins. The faster you guess, the more points you get. The points are reset every five minutes.

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The city as an avatar itself

This guys photos are amazing, he creates an effect of an extremely accurate and super detailed models but they are real photos with an effect on them

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Google: 'We made a big mistake with Google Video'

"Google Inc., trying to extend its dominance of Internet search into the market for videos, said it made a mistake with the design of an online store," Bloomberg News reports.

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Clock to keep time for 10,000 years but no Human may hear the last tick

At 60 feet tall, it keeps track of every second, minute, day, century, and millennium for at least 10,000 years. It'll function with near perfect accuracy by occasionally resetting itself automatically using the warming heat of the desert sun. Its pendulum will be powered by the Earth itself - by temperature and pressure changes...

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Physicists Discover an Atomic Oddity

"Florida State University physics professor has taken part in an experiment that resulted in the creation of a silver atom with exotic properties never before observed. "

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Download of the Day: Firefox ex Reveal

Reveal is similar to previously-front page extension, foXpose, but the results are, much nicer.

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The Top 25 purchasers of renewable energy.

Just a current list of the top purchasers of renewable energy. What caught my eye is who is number one on the list. The list is directly from the EPA and is current of January 10, 2006.

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Two Large Lakes Discovered Under Antarctic Ice

New lakes are now the second and third largest subsurface bodies of water in the Antarctic behind Lake Vostok

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Will The Traditional Residential-based College Survive Much Longer?

How will technologies such as podcasting, VoIP and OpenCourseWare affect their bottom line and their ability to stay competitive with online distance education programs? What role will digital libraries play in empowering independent scholars and researchers? These questions and many more are discussed in the following article.

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del.icio.us + flickr + google maps + blogs + wiki + ....

GROU.PS is a web 2.0 application that brings all these services together. Check it out, worth digging...

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Using Waterpipes to Create Colossal Ice Structures!

The Alaskan Alpine Club keeps a photo-journal of their gigantic creation...Remember, they just use water and strategically placed pipes!

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Jump to Debian GNU/Linux!

A guide to why the Debian distro is a good choice

There are hundreds of GNU/Linux distributions around, each with its strengths and weaknesses. One that stands out from the masses is Debian. It is the only major distribution not developed (or even backed) by commercial vendors, but by a group of volunteers around the world...

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Evidence for String Theory?

Scientist working at a neutrino detector at the South Pole report that evidence for string theory may soon be coming. Extra dimensions predicted by string theory may affect observed numbers of certain neutrinos and this is what the scientist will be looking for.

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Understanding the Linux Memory Model

A first step to understanding the Linux design

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Google Tunes could be imminent

Analyst claims so: "We believe that Google is in the midst of creating its own iTunes competitor, which we've dubbed 'Google Tunes. We think this is a logical step, now that the nascent Google Video product has been introduced."

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This is for all the news junkies

This is a new way in looking at the news. It will show you a map and all the time zones and current time and news in that happening in that part of the world.

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Understanding the Linux Memory Model

A first step to understanding the Linux design

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Test To See If You Are Color Blind

This on-line color vision test consists of four cards from the popular color vision test "Color Vision Testing Made Easy". Try and find a circle, star, and/or a square on the Demonstration Card, Card # 1, and Card #2. Try and find a dog, boat, balloon or car on Card # 3.

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Yahoo Throws in the Towel - Google Wins

Yahoo! has given up on the quest for search dominance. Yahoo! Inc., one of the first Internet search companies, has capitulated to Google Inc. in the battle for market dominance.

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What to do when they ask for your Social Security Number..

Many people are concerned about the number of organizations asking for their Social Security Numbers. They worry about invasions of privacy and the oppressive feeling of being treated as just a number....

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Sweden to be free from Oil in 2020

Sweden plans to move exclusively to renewable energy by 2020.

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US Speed Camera catches hundreds of speeders in 1 hour!!!

This can't be good. Arizonia is running a trial for using Speed Cameras on the highway. These devices are far from perfert as they have been going in the UK for a while with tickets ranging from 87mph for a tractor to 700+mph for a Toyota Land Cruiser. Anyway, watch out!

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Hacking Credit Cards: Explained

At the Shmoocon 2006 security conference about two weeks ago, ab3nd gave a speech discussing the methods to which magnetic cards can be maliciously crafted. Apparently he has joined SploitCast to approach the subject again.

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Tivo will officially roll out Home Media Apps this week

For those of us who didn't get onto the priority list for Tivo's HME Apps, the wait will shortly be over. Tivo has announced that it will push it's podcasting, traffic, weather, and various other custom apps out to all Tivo subscribers with broadband access this week.

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Sweden to be free from Oil in 2020

Sweden plans to move exclusively to renewable energy by 2020.

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Google Maps Highest Point in Every State

What's the highest point in your state? Find out new for every state using Google Maps.

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Google Maps Highest Point in Every State

What's the highest point in your state? Find out new for every state using Google Maps.

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Run a web server from your phone

Nokia is testing the possibilities of running web server technology on mobile phones. This could change the way we think about the web.

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Awesome List of Uses of RSS & Feeds

Awesome list of alternative uses of RSS and feeds beyond headlines and blogs and such.

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Sunday, January 22, 2006

China to build world's first "artificial sun"

A full superconducting experimental Tokamak fusion device, which aims to generate infinite, clean nuclear-fusion-based energy, will be built in March or April in Hefei, capital city of east China's Anhui Province.

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Nintendo Shares Rise Due to Price Point Announcement

Nintendo's stock recently had its biggest gain since July 2003, jumping 6.4% to 16,090 yen on the Osaka Securities Exchange at close of 3 p.m.

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Two dinosaur fossils found attached in fighting positions (w/ pics!)

Amongst all the fossils ever found in the world, there might be nothing more bizarre than this specimen.

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PowerCinema Linux

CyberLink launches linux media center

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Awesome website with C# Resources

This website is an awesome resource for any C# developer! They offer links to several free, open-source IDEs, as well as links to libraries such as PDF libraries, and other resources. Check it out, and see if this website can assist in your programming needs!

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Google Video - Huge 1958 Nuclear Underwater Explosion Footage!

This amazing video shows a 1958 explosion from underwater nuclear test. The cloud engulfs a US Navy drone target ship / Eneweta. You have to see this to believe.

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Rolling your own Debian packages

Part one of a two-part article explaining how to make a Debian package of simple piece of software.

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Collide galaxies in your browser!

Now you can explore the physics of galaxy collisions in this interactive astronomy lab. It's amazing to see a simple applet reproduce what we see in space.

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Mandriva HP launch new Linux pre-loaded computers in Latin America

Mandriva announced a new partnership with HP to distribute HP computers pre-loaded with Mandriva Linux 2006 to 37 countries in Latin America. Mandriva has been named the 'Preferred Linux Partner for Latin America' and Mandriva Linux 2006 has been optimized and certified for HP machines.

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Linux not standing in wait as Microsoft sinks its own ship

Finally, an article describing the inevitable decline of Microsoft. Why they are losing it against Free Software, Google and Apple, and how they are loosing: Tom Adelstein sees a dark future for MS.

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Bash Reference Manual

Very Useful Information for the Bash Shell

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Thumnails in Firefox like in IE7

This is a cool little extension which lets you view thumbnails of all the open tabs with the click of a button. This feature was promoted as being a new feature in IE7, and you can use it in firefox right now.

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Saturday, January 21, 2006

The world according to Google - BBC Video

From the BBC a look at Google with interviews with Google staff - well worth a look !

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"The Austin Project" - a community-driven Linux advertising effort.

"The Austin Project" will bring Linux into the light of day for thousandsรข�¦possibly tens of thousands. Those who believe that Microsoft Windows is their only choice will soon know better. This is the day Microsoft did not want to come. The day the Linux Community took it upon themselves to give the world Linux.

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Awesome Video of a Fireworks Factory Blowing up

this video is amazing

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Hubble's Top Ten Discoveries

A collection of Hubble Space Telescope images shows distant supernovas, the death explosions of massive stars. The top photos show each region before the explosion. The bottom row shows the explosions' aftermaths

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How to Get Great Sleep

Here's an excellent, in-depth article on why we sleep, common sleep disorders, and it also has some suggestions for more restful nights. Ever heard of this insomnia?: "Your brain thinks you are awake when you are asleep."

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Top 100 Lists of US cities.

'Top 100' lists on highest income, least crime, newest houses, most females, shortest commute, best educated residents, and many more.

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Geek to Live: Lifehacker Pack

A very nice listing of free programs from lifehacker.com. Take that Google Pack :-P

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Burning a hole in a car with thermite

Cool Google Video

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Ning is one of the best Web concepts I have seen since I began using the Internet in the late '90s. The others being: Email, search engines (www.clusty.com, www.technorati.com www.a9.com,), maps (www.maps.google.com, www.maps.yahoo.com/beta and www.mapquest.com). The others that come close to Ning are www.del.icio.us and www.digg.com.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Video: Totally freaky liquid metal moving sculptures

Ferrofluid (magnetic fluid) sculptures by two Japanese artists that move like something out of a science fiction movie. You have to watch the video!

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Italian Cave-City Goes Hi-Tech

Some dwellings are little more than caves with a door on the front. Others have elaborate fronts, hiding the cave quarters behind. Now the empty caves are coming back to life with large computer servers and blinking lights, tucked away in cave rooms once occupied by people and animals.

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Tiny Microsoft tool automatically photoshops group pictures

Microsoft has a nice free tool from their research group available, that automatically makes group pictures from single pictures. Looks amazing.
Screenshots here: http://research.microsoft.com/projects/GroupShot/GroupShotHelp.htm

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Video Game Maps

Who knows how long this guy spent mapping oldschool classics. He's done entire game maps of such classics as Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past, Super Mario World, Doom II, etc.

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High Altitude Balloon Photography

Amateurs are building balloons capable of reaching near space altitude, and then take photographs that look like they were shot from orbit.

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Hydropolis underwater hotel

Hydropolis is the world's first luxury underwater hotel. It is currently under construction in Dubai. It costs ร‚£300 million, has 220 suites and covers 260 hectares, about the size of London's Hyde Park.

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Tracing An Email

A guide that shows the processes required for tracing an email. The guide is broken up into three parts Enabling Email Headers, Understanding Email Headers and Tracking The Orginal Sender.

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

The worlds most used forums

Ever wonder which forum is the biggest of them all? well this site ranks the forums by posts and topic. They also provide you with the forums server specs, and they are pretty impressive for some of them. Like for example offtopic.com users online list is like 1000+ at the same time. All positive comments are thanked in advance

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Play hundreds of classic Commodore 64 games online

Commando, Giana Sisters, Bubble Bobble, Boulder Dash and most of the other classic C64 titles playable directly in the browser without download. Gotta digg this!

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Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications

Alphabetically sorted list of popular Web 2.0 applications. The description for each of the application is taken from their own About or FAQ pages. Bookmark for quick reference.

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How To Beat A Speeding Ticket

Using MS Mappoint, Google Maps and Google Earth, and other information commonly found on the web, a blogger beat his speeding ticket by asking them to prove he was the guilty party. Interesting read, even if it's skirting legality.

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Men Enjoy Seeing Bad People Suffer

New study reveals that guys want to see cheaters punished and get a high off it. Women on the other hand don't.

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The Monster Engine

Dave Devries hit upon a genius idea. He turns children's drawings of monsters into real and detailed paintings. The results are beautiful and show a creativity most adults no longer possess.

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Iceland the First Country to Try Abandoning Gasoline

Iceland wants to make a full conversion and plans to modify its cars, buses and trucks to run on renewable energy with no dependence on oil.

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MENSA Intelligence Test

very cool intelligence test, simple but clever ...

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Huge List of Free Photoshop Brushes Resources.

A huge list of over 100 sites offering free Photoshop brushes for download.

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Does our Sun have a hidden companion star?

Debris disks discovered around two nearby stars look strikingly like the Kuiper Belt in the outer part of our solar system, astronomers said today. Each disk has a sharp outer edge that might be caused by an unseen companion star. Our own Kuiper Belt is thought to have similarly abrupt outer bound.

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US to open WiMAX spectrum!

Looking to stay ahead of its rival nations in broadband, the United States is making an aggressive bid to open up the spectrum for emerging WiMAX technology, according to an official from the Bush administration.

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Nintendo jabs at Microsoft... promises Revolution will outsell 360

"We will sell more units than Xbox 360 did here in the United States in our launch window. I mean, in December, we sold more GameCubes in the United States than Microsoft sold 360s, and Revolution will do better than that," Reggie said. Sounds like fighting words to me!

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How to use RSS Feeds on your Wordpress Site

Simple article description how to display RSS feeds on your wordpress site/blog in 3 easy steps.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Google Surpasses MSN in Traffic

Alexa reports.

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Firefox 2.0 alpha due next month (Confirmed)

An alpha version of Firefox 2.0 should be released as a public beta next month. Although part of the long standing roadmap for the open source browser, the timetable was confirmed by the publication of the minutes of the Mozilla.org staff meeting held earlier this month.

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360 Degrees Panoramic Photographs

Take a virtual tour of over 20 European locations by looking full-screen at these 360-degrees panoramic photographs. There are both well-known cities and those that are not as famous. Some of these pictures are truly amazing!

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Google Talk now talks with Jabber

This morning, Google flipped the switch to connect the Google Talk Service to the public XMPP network this morning. Google Talk users can now chat with users on other XMPP services (eg. Jabber) and vice versa.

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Best (most useful) list of windows utilities I have ever seen

This is bar none the best list of windows utilities I have ever seen. OK, I already knew about approximately half of them and the list is from 2005 but the ones I was not aware of are golden. I know people are tired of these lists but just check it out and see. My apologies if this is not news to you.

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Great Sites to Telnet Into for Fun

Here is a listing of great Telnet sites for fun.
I like telnet://towel.blinkenlights.nl (port 23) the best.

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Monday, January 16, 2006

Outsourcing - Traditional Big Six Increasingly On Shaky Grounds

TheBig Six of outsourcing - Accenture, ACS, CSC, EDS, HP, and IBM could see their dominance challenged, with almost $100 billion worth of major outsourcing contracts due for renewal internationally in the next two years and the Indian vendors may gain an increasingly stronger hold.

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Indiana Jones 4: Title & Plot Details

Claims that the official title will be Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Sun. No relation to Spielberg's Empire of the Sun, of course. Here's what he had to say regarding plot: "'Indiana Jones will have to deal with his greatest fears in the upcoming fourth adventure in the series.

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IBM eyes stake in Indiaรข��s Satyam

IBM has held talks to acquire a stake in Satyam Computer Services, India's fourth largest software services company. Satyam has a market cap of $6B. Will this give IBM an opportunity to compete with other low cost offshore outsourcing companies?

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Linux for the Musician, Musix

It is a Free Operating system intended for musicians and users in general. It also contains an enormous collection of free programs. The system will boot from your CD/DVD drive, with no need to install anything on your hard disk.

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China beat Columbus to it, perhaps

An ancient map that strongly suggests Chinese seamen were first round the world.

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website that is dedicated to the stupidity of Dell tech support reps

All encounters described on this website are real and are not exaggerated. I operate a computer repair center and unfortunately have to contact Dell for warranty replacements somewhat regularly.

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Website for Linux Games!!!

The Linux Game Tome is a great site that covers all the latest Linux game releases. It has ratings and user submitted comments for most any game that you will find on the OS. Useful to find a game to play between coding sessions!

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Great List of Windows Xp/2000 Commands & Tools

I stumbled across this great list of command line tools that come with XP. I have heard of some, but I learned a lot of new ones.

I hope this helps someone out.

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Jobs suggests Dell should eat his words

It may not be the last laugh, but on Friday afternoon, after the close of the stock market, Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple Computer, shared an e-mail chuckle with his employees at the expense of Dell, a big rival.

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How Much RAM Do You Really Need?

This is a great article on improving your computer's performance and figuring out what your system needs as far memory goes.

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Free Software Magazine, issue 10 is out!

Issue 10 of Free Software Magazine is out! FSM is the leading magazine about free software. This issue is particularly juicy: Eddy Macnaghten helps to make X a little less unknown and "MC" Brown browses the browsers for Mac OS X. David Sugar talks about how free software is freeing Venezuela. And more...

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Cuba Switches WHOLE Nation To Linux!

ONE OF the last bastions of revolutionary socialism, Cuba is to switch all its computers over to Linux to counter the influence of the Evil Capitalistic American lackey Microsoft.

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42 Quality Google Videos

Need to kill some time? 42 popular videos from "The Best of Google Video" Project.

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Wikipedia Plagiarism Ends Journalist's Career

Tim Ryan, a 21 year veteran entertainment columnist for the Honolulu Star Bulletin, was fired yesterday after an investigation revealed multiple instances of his incorporating unattributed paragraphs from other sources.

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Linux LiveCD List

Linux Live CD list!
You can sort by ISO Size and Primary Function

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Screenshots of Brand New Beagle UI

New UI of Beagle (Desktop Search for Linux) has finally arrived. Looks great (IMHO, better than Spotlight on OSX)! Hopefully should arrive in Beagle 0.1.5

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Deals Search Engine

A search engine which caters to the heart of the shopper and looks up deal for the object of your desire. Worth looking into.

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Tickr for Flickr (App for OSX and Free)

tickr for flickr is a way to enjoy images from flickr as they slowly glide down or right to left...very nice app.

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Download Google Videos as .avi format

If you want to fast download Google Videos as .avi format (nor Google Video .gvl default), take a look at this web based parser.


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2006 predictions by Cringely

his predictions, right or wrong, are always a good read. having btw 70 to 80 percent accuracy rate is not bad either....

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Tired of Living on Earth? Build your own island!

Pretty cool..this man built his own island out of 250,000 pop bottles, off the coast of Mexico. He lives on it, grows his own produce, uses rainwater for showers...the whole nine yards.

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PBS: The Video Game Revolution

From Fad to Phenomenon: This is the story of how a whimsical invention of the 1960s helped spawn the computer industry as we know it. Video games have influenced the way children live and play, forever altered the entertainment industry, and even affected the way wars are fought. See how it all began and find out what it means for the future.

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The Elusive Primes

" 2, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23.... Can you spot the pattern yet? If so you might be able to claim the $1 million prize! These special numbers are only divisible by one and themselves, there are an infinite number of them and, so far, no one has found a way of proving that all primes follow a predictable sequence."

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Microsoft working with Apple on future of Virtual PC

Just days after renewing its commitment to develop Office for the Mac, Microsoft revealed that it is also working with Apple to bring Virtual PC to its new Intel-architecture.

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Saturday, January 14, 2006

25 Reasons to convert to Linux

Organizations around the world are converting their computer operating systems from Microsoft Windows to Linux at an increasing pace. They are likewise converting their application programs from commercial software to free software (also referred to as open source software). There are at least 25 reasons for this situation.

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The Truth About Desktop Linux from the ODSL's Senior Analyst

An excellent article who's title betrays the content. This article clearly defines the status of Desktop Linux succinctly and broadly enough for everyone to get it. David Rosenberg does an outstanding job in the piece.

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Desktop Linux: If we build it, will they come?

Linux has made major inroads on servers and in data centers running both open-source and proprietary applications on millions of computers worldwide. We've recently seen the rise of Linux on mobile devices. But the Linux desktop remains elusive. We know it's out there, but it only now seems to be approaching the tipping point.

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Steve Gibson Responds to Microsoft Blogger

Steve basically confirms that 9x based systems are safe, but still wonders why the functionality of SetAbortProc() changed from 9x to NT kernels.

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Center of the Galaxy, Super high-res pic.

Picture taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Warning Pic is 29mb in size.

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A look inside the Headquarters of Pixar.

A place where people work in custom designed cottages, and where Steve Jobs proposed a building with one bathroom, to drive foot traffic to a central area all day long.

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Microsoft Disputes WMF Claim by Steve Gibson

The company says the function in question exists due to legacy code, not some nefarious intent.

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Dilbert Personality Test, The

Tech people like, no *LOVE* Dilbert. Take this 25-question, pseudo-scientific test to determine which of the many Dilbert characters you are most like!

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New York Times article on growing popularity of Go

A front-page-linked article about go in America. Unusual to see such mainstream exposure of the game.

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Software Engineering, Not Computer Science

A GREAT article comparing software engineering and computer science. "A scientist builds in order to learn; an engineer learns in order to build." (Original PDF here: http://www.stevemcconnell.com/SeIsNotCs.pdf)

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File Swap site

You upload 1 file, and you get 1 random file in return.

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3-4 Hours of sleep Imagine the Possibilities(Polyphasic Sleep)

Many have heard of Polyphasic Sleep. You sleep 3-4 hours a day, taking 20-30 min. naps. This is a guys blog of his first 30 days then a 60th day update very interesting read.

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Apple's market value tops Dell

On October 6, 1997, in response to the question of what he'd do if he was in charge of Apple Computer, Michael Dell answered flippantly, "What would I do? I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders." Today, Apple Computer, Inc. passed Dell, Inc. in market value. Got any snappy responses for that one, Mr. Dell?

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Jon "DVD" Lech Johansen unveils de-AACS website DeAACS.com

Jon cracked CSS (the DVD drm) and it appears he expects AACS (Advanced Access Content System) to be cracked as well. He notes, AACS does not prevent piracy, "that's not the primary objective of any DRM system. Anyone who has read the CSS license agreement knows that the primary objective is to control the market for players."

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internet services for free

boinc.ch offer free internet services, including (but not limited to) shell, webpage with php, e-mail, development tools and cvs repository.
For additional information see www.boinc.ch. The server runs OpenBSD3.8 and the architecture is 64-bit UltraSPARC-IIi.

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Introduction to Reverse Engineering Software

Excellent tutorial on how to pull apart software and modify it

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Leader of Yahoo Developer Network quits for Wordpress startup

Toni Schneider, a senior executive spear-heading Yahoo's Developer Network, joins Matt Mullenweg and other core Wordpress developers in Automattic (http://automattic.com/). Automattic offers the and Wordpress.com blogging service and the Akismet (http://akismet.com/) collaborative comment spam filter.

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The Lungs Of The Planet Are Belching Methane

"It's not just farting cows and belching sheep that spew out methane. Living plants have been disgorging millions of tonnes of the potent greenhouse gas into the atmosphere every year - without anybody noticing."

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HUGE list of linux commands ... on one page!

This page just warms my command line-lovin' heart: it's a massive collection of a buttload of Linux commands, with a short explanation of each one, organized alphabetically within sections.

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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Google Replacement for Office

Google isn't going to build office, it's going to replace office.

The details on enterprise blogs, enterprise wikis, enterprise web email, widgets and mashups, and of course, the enterprise search that brings it all together.

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Nintendo Revolution GPU Details Emerge in New Interview with ATI

Revolution Report has spoke exclusively in an interview with ATI about the Nintendo Revolution's GPU, code-named Hollywood. New details emerge about the GPU's development, how heat will be a factor and release window. A must read.

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PDF Generation Using Only PHP

Yes this is right no external libraries no complicated programming, a simple approach on generating PDF documents only using PHP.

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Digg vs. Slashdot (or, traffic vs. influence)

Jason Kottke's in-depth analysis of the power of digg and slashdot. Makes some interesting conclusions in light of the recent "slashdeath" debate.

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City employee gets fired for accessing a web forum 19,200 times in 2 months

Under the username 'Sassy Sarah', he posted Web 6,622 times, while at work.

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Long List of Free Stock Photography Websites

Here is a long list of free stock images directories. These stock photography sites are free, however some require you to cite the Photographer.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Linux is Not Windows

This article explains some of the reasons why Linux's job is not to become increasingly Windows-like, nor is it Open Source's duty to merely provide free duplicates of every Windows-user's favorite program. --Many people here on digg need to give this a read.

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Netflix settlement unacceptable, says FTC

"Their basic problem is that the proposed compensation is coupled with a "negative option" which requires consumers to act in order to avoid future charges."

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Amazing Wallpapers

A collection of the most beautiful wallpapers for free!

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How to Toss Water To Freez in Mid Air

Yes you can toss water in the air and it will freeze before it hits the ground. Tom Skilling explains how and why...

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Apple has short memory about benchmarking

When Apple tried to prove that G5 was better than Intel, they used a generic non-optimised GCC compiler for the Intel machine. This time, they used an optimised Intel compiler to prove that Intel is better than the G5. How quickly we forget!

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Track you FedEx, UPS, USPS package routes via Google Maps!

PackageMapper.com is a Google Maps based tool showing your FedEx, UPS, or USPS package routes.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Play more than 10,000 Nintendo and Sega games !

NES, GameBoy, Genesis, Master System, Game Gear, Colecovision, PC Engine are all here ! Playable straight in your browser without any install !

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One-way trip into black hole takes 200,000 years

"The one-way journey from the heart of a galaxy into the oblivion of a black hole probably takes about 200,000 years, astronomers said on Monday.By tracking the death spiral of cosmic gas at the center of a galaxy called NGC1097, scientists figured that material moving at 110,000 miles an hour would still take eons to cross into a black hole."

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Analysis: Why Google WILL do an office suite and desktop OS in 2006

"I got to spend some time with Eric, Larry, and a dozen other journalists yesterday after the amazing keynote. The story everyone wanted to talk about--and Eric and Larry didn't--was Google going into the operating system, deskop computer, and office suite business (let's call those three things "Google Desktop" for simplicity)."

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Losing sleep undoes the rejuvenating effects

"As the pace of life quickens and it becomes harder to balance home and work, many people meet their obligations by getting less sleep.

But sleep deprivation impairs spatial learning including remembering how to get to a new destination."

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Google Earth Beta for Mac OS X officially released

Google has now officially released Google Earth Beta for OS X (previously it had only been leaked)

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Open Source Flash Player

Gnash plays SWF up to version 7 as standalone player (which works) and also has a plug-in for Firefox (which is still under heavy development).

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Monday, January 09, 2006

The secret of a perfect defense

interesting wikipedia article.

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China becomes largest IC market

"While China's domestic chip production remains relatively small, the nation's semiconductor market grew by 32 percent to $40.8 billion in terms of overall consumption in 2005, making it the world's largest regional IC market for the first time ever, according to a report from IC Insights Inc."

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How to Get Smarter, One Breath at a Time - Time Magazine

Scientists find that meditation not only reduces stress but also reshapes the brain.

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Over 6500 tutorials on 500 categories

Tutorials for: 3DS MAX, AutoCAD, Blender 3d, Bryce 3d, Cinema 4D, Database, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, Lightwave 3D, Maya, MM Fusion, MS Office, P2P File Sharing, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop(a lot), Premiere, QuarkXpress, CSS, HTML, Web Designing, Web Hosting, Java, PHP, Python, Visual Basic, Visual C, and many more.

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Sony CEO admits on CBS' 60 Minutes: "Jobs Smarter, iPod; a wake-up call"

Sony Chief Executive Officer Howard Stringer said in an interview broadcast Sunday that his company has made huge mistakes in the online music and player business and that Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been a thorn in the Japanese electronics makers side

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How to add a Google Map to any web page in less than 10 minutes

Overview for anyone interested in getting started with Google Maps. Walks you through step by step signing up with google, adding the code and customizing your new map.

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Browser Speed Comparisons...

"I not only test all the browsers, I test them all on the same computer as each other - grouped into Linux, Mac and Windows (using the same or equivalent hardware for each). This...gives an accurate comparison, not only of the browsers compared with each other, but for those that work on multiple platforms..."

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Intel has a major '06-'07 weak spot, and AMD is aiming right at it

Anyone who reads our Ars System Guides, or the front page for that matter, knows that AMD has had the price/performance edge over Intel for quite some time.

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Apple prepares to launch low-cost laptop and cheap iPod

The Business Online says that it's a laptop and cheap iPod that's going to be announced at Macworld.

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Professional Photography, step by step.

This article has what to do step by step, with examples. You'll learn a lot. This is for everyone who doesn't have $2500 to spend on a camera.

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Long-hidden cheat for MS Pinball - with newbie reverse engineering tutorial

This article not only reveals the coolest cheat for the Pinball game included with Windows, but also explains how the author found it, and gives the basic techniques for reverse engineering and cracking programs.

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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Could a Little Boy Be Proof of Reincarnation?

Nearly six decades ago, a 21-year-old Navy fighter pilot on a mission over the Pacific was shot down by Japanese artillery. His name might have been forgotten, were it not for 6-year-old James Leininger.

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Free Image Hosting + Revenue Sharing Model

We have all been accostumed to the free image hosting sites, but it looks like there is a new breed. ImageGravy is offering to split profits with it's users based on the images they upload. New trend possible?

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Can we hear the sound of silence?

For years philosophers have meditated over the sound of one hand clapping.Now scientists believe they have shown the brain remains in listening mode even when the only sound is silence.This is a great advancement for attention disorders

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Linux Software Installation methods

A description of the various methods of installing software on linux, with pictures. An interesting article for beginners and experts alike.

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Click Fraud, search marketings downfall?

Wired Magazine had a very interesting article on click fraud - but will this really doom the paid click channel? I don' t think so - what about you?

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IMDb : The Best and Worst Movies of 2005

Did your favorite film make the list?

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Professional Photography, step by step.

This article has what to do step by step, with examples. You'll learn a lot. This is for everyone who doesn't have $2500 to spend on a camera.

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How to use HTML tables properly

You should avoid using tables for layout, but that does not mean you should avoid using tables for their intended purpose. When marking up tabular data in HTML, tables are what should be used. This article explains how to make HTML data tables accessible.

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Starbucks Hack

Here's a little secret that Starbucks doesn't want you to know: They will serve you a better, stronger cappuccino if you want one, and they will charge you less for it. Ask for it in any Starbucks and the barista will comply without batting an eye. The puzzle is to work out why.

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Painless way to convert .flv (Flash Video) to .avi or .mpg

Some sites have flash videoรข��s online that play in your browser, if you have the correct plugins. You can download them, convert them, and put it on your Video iPod, or whatever.

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What I Learned at MIT

Some lessons learned by Philip Chu from being a student at MIT, especially ones not taught by teachers. My favorite is "Work Alone".

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Linux network administration guide

This has to be one of the most concise and in-depth tutorial guides i have seen. Whether you are a beginner or expert at Linux this will make a great introduction or quick refresher.

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Test to see: are you really unbiased?

Participate in an academic project run by Harvard researchers, and discussed in the book, Blink. It can provide some pretty scary insight about how you associate race and either positive or negative ideas. In addition to learning something about yourself, you can add to Harvard's pool of data.

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Postal Employees Steal Netflix DVD's From Customers

I for one have been the victim of stolen mail and packages by postal employees and it seem the postal inspectors don't have much interest in doing anything about it. Glad to see local police stepped up on this one! Makes you wonder what else these two had been stealing from the mail.

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3000+ Graphing Calculator Games!!!

...This official TI-83 Calculator site has thousands of great games that you can download and play on your calculator...and they're FREE

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BBC's Inside Nintendo: A Nintendo documentary

Nintendo fans who missed last year's BBC3 documentary about the company will be pleased to hear that it's now available for watching over the Internet.

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China - The Next Tech. Powerhouse? Looks that way, aye

Sixty years after the revolution China is in the midst of a different revolution - of a digital variety. Chinese consumers have a vast and growing choice of tech toys at their disposal. Forget Akihabara, I'm off to downtown Shanghai..

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Video: 2005 Google Factory Tour! 5.5 Hours

A 5+ hour video of a tour at Google's Mountain View headquarters.

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Saturday, January 07, 2006

ATI drivers for Ubuntu

Breezy comes with the 8.16.20 driver and it is easier to install. The latest driver does provide higher numbers in glxgears, but that doesn't always translate into real-world performance. The newer drivers have added additional support for widescreen LCD displays and hibernation on laptops.

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The First Look at NewsVine!

If you have missed all the buzz about Newsvine, Newsvine is a news media site that presents news, like what you would see on news sites like MSNBC or CNN, but in a much more attractive interface. Even better, Newsvine is also a community of users that can tag stories, comment on stories, chat with others, write news and add links, and a lot more.

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Dell may use AMD processors in the future

Michael Dell, Dell's Chairman, announced at CES that future computers may use AMD processors in place of Intel's processors that Dell is known for using.

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World's smallest power supply - the picoPSU

This thing is 120W and is barely bigger than the ATX connector it hooks into. Think of the modding possibilities! bit-tech has some close up pictures and information.

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Computer Programming Algorithms Directory

It looks like they want to have a 1 in all place for Algorithms. The website looks crappy but it's a good idea unless there's a better website out there.

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

First Linux only PC product line

"The Koobox line is unique in that all of the computers are optimized for utilizing Linux exclusively," said Linspire CEO Kevin Carmony. "In fact, none of these machines even offer Microsoft Windows as an option...shows just how much ground Linux is gaining."

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Google to Offer TV Show Downloads and Software package at CES

Google plans to announce Friday that it will begin allowing consumers to buy videos from major content partners through the Google site & will also roll out a new downloadable bundle of software for consumers that could heighten Google's competition with Microsoft Corp.

Watch out M$ and Apple, Google's making the first move of the year.

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Worth1000.com Picture of the Day

A gallery of some of the most skillfully photoshopped images. Updated daily (obviously).

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Google Maps gets ready for Hi-Res Satellite Images

Google Maps has added two levels of Satellite Image resolution. I haven't found any locations that have these higher resolutions yet, however. The link is to New York, and you'll notice there are two more levels available of resolution. If you zoom in, you will see the message saying there are no images for the resolution.

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Most of Vista features unadulterated ripoffs from Apple Mac OS X

Ordinarily, I'm careful about making accusations like this, because I know I'll get hammered by Apple bashers. But in this case, there's not a shred of doubt: most of the features Microsoft demonstrated last night were pure, unadulterated ripoffs from Mac OS X.

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Create your own country and rule the world!

NationStates is a nation simulation game. You create your own country, fashioned after your own ideals, and care for its people. Either that or you deliberately torture them. It's really up to you.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Open source's speed, Firefox's security wows Fidelity

Open source software got an enterprise shot in the arm recently when Fidelity Investments Inc. created a policy and governance structure that gives open source and proprietary products equal consideration in buying decisions.

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Allmoneygomyhome: Online Finance Tracking Tool

AllMoneyGoMyHome is a free online tool to help you to track your income and expense for better financial planning.

You can add and edit income or expense records, manage them by categories or tags, export the records into excel spreadsheet...

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Plasma thruster tested for Mars mission

The technology was recently verified at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris...The HDLT uses solar electricity from the sun to create a magnetic field through which hydrogen is passed to make a beam of plasma, powering ships through space

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The Rise and Fall of the Dot Com PosterBoy - He's Back for Revenge

He hasn't merely survived the bust; he's thrived in it. The qualities that made him annoying to his New York colleagues during the boom - his abrasive demeanor, his hucksterism, his incessant networking - serve him well in the postbubble economy

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Hubble animated GIF image of a star exploding

The image looks like an eyeball and explodes over time in this animated gif series. The star, named V838 Monocerotis, has suddenly grown so big that if placed in the center of our solar system it would engulf Jupiter. The full story can be found here

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Get around firewalls and blocked websites at school and work

This easy to use *virtual* browser will allow you to bypass firewalls and many other security programs at work and school. It even encrypts your traffic so your network admin does not know what your doing

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9/11: Debunking The Myths

To investigate 16 of the most prevalent claims made by conspiracy theorists, Popular Mechanics assembled a team of nine researchers and reporters who, together with PM editors, consulted more than 70 professionals in fields that form the core content of this magazine, including aviation, engineering and the military...

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Mystery Painkiller

"How do fake drugs called placebos kill some patients' pain? Until now, nobody knew. As this ScienCentral News video explains, brain scans have let scientists observe for the first time how the placebo effect activates the brain's own painkillers--which could lead to better pain management."

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Nintendo sells 10mil DS's worldwide, Mario Kart sells 1mil in 7 weeks

Nintendo seems to be doing pretty damn good this holiday season with selling a total of 10 million DS's worldwide. Maio Kart passes the 1 million mark in just seven weeks, and more than 550,000 unique visitors have connected globally to Nintendo's WiFi connection.

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Software for Starving Students 2006.01 Released

SoftwareFor.org has released a new version of Software for Starving Students (SSS) for Windows and OS X. The SSS CD is a free compilation of Open Source and freeware software, packaged in a user-friendly interface, targeted for students and educators (but available to everyone).

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O'Reilly Asterisk Book Available For Free Download

O'Reilly Media's latest book, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, written by Jim Van Meggelen, Jared Smith, and Leif Madsen is available for download in PDF format. In the spirit of open source, O'Reilly has licensed the book under the creative commons license making it free to download and distribute.

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Mystery Spot's mystery solved!

Mystery Spot at Sana Cruz is no mystery, just "Scientific psychology". Even some people have felt dizzy or sick after visiting the old cabin. Since the house is tilted 17 degrees creates illusions such as balls rolling upwards...but the ball is actually rolling on a 5 degree slope downhill.

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New QuickChat extension lets you chat with website visitors in Real-Time!

This is a great new Firefox extension that will let you chat directly within Firefox with other people who are visiting the same website you are. Chat with other digg.com users while you are busy digging stories! Great use of an AJAX extension to let you chat with people who like the same sites you do.

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Engadget is blowing out CES coverage with dedicated CES site

The team at Engadget has an army of bloggers doing 60 posts a day at CES... they've made a special page for ces coverage.

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First Linux only PC product line

"The Koobox line is unique in that all of the computers are optimized for utilizing Linux exclusively," said Linspire CEO Kevin Carmony. "In fact, none of these machines even offer Microsoft Windows as an option...shows just how much ground Linux is gaining."

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High Speed Photography Flickr Group

Pictures of high speed captures of extremely fast events which cannot be seen by the naked eye.

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Australian Wine Making Company Embraces Open Source

As the CIO of Australian wine making company De Bortoli Wines, Bill Robertson has taken the bold step of introducing a number of different open source software projects, including Open Office, Linux and TYPO3

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Portable Open Office 2.0.1 released

Here is a portable version of Open Office for use with a USB Drive. Pretty cool since it allows you to have both the file and the software to open the file with you at all times.

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Asian gadgetry and the Future of iPod? (Great Photos)

Writers visit Asia and wries an excellent article on Gadgets from Japan and Singapore's iShop 21....You should at least check out the Cool Photos...

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First 15 minutes of 9/11 attacks on the web

Riveting descriptions of the first 15 minutes of live TV/radio coverage of the attacks: "If Gumbel seemed to somehow miss the crash of the second plane, he was the only anchor who thought he saw non-existent third and fourth jets approach the burning towers at 9:41. "Hold it, hold it!" said a near-panicky Gumbel to his guest...

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A huge virus threat for every Windows PC ever made

Experts believe that this could be the biggest vulnerability that has ever surfaced for Windows PCs. Other than the users themselves.

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Monday, January 02, 2006

EasyLinuxGuide.com is back with a brand new look

This is a great site for Linux help. It has lots of howto's, a friendly forum, and they don't tell you to STFU and RTFM. It's how the Linux community should be.

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Top 10 Free Time Wasting Sites on the Net

Some would say that the personal computer and the Internet have revolutionized how much we can accomplish in a day. That may be true, but they have also revolutionized how much time can be wasted in a day. See for yourself, but don't blame me if you get nothing done for the next week.

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Free online file storage and sending

This is an extensive list of online file storage services and/or large file size email sending services. Includes any known restrictions, etc. All are free.

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Why to switch from Linux to OS X

An article on my experience switching from Linux on the desktop, to OS X.

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Ever wanted to learn Japanese

This is small, pretty well made, game for those of you who want to learn Japanese. Together with a nice book this could take you quite far.

This game also has support for other languages.

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IMSDb.com *not IMDB.com*, The Internet Movie SCRIPT Database

The world's largest online database of the SCRIPTS of movies, including today's hits and oldies. Cool.

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KDE 4 To Support OS X Dashboard Widgets

Zack Rusin of KDE has said KDE4 will have full support for widgets from OS X's Dashboard. I'm planning to add full OSX Dashboard compatibility layer for Plasma.

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Free online file storage and sending

This is an extensive list of online file storage services and/or large file size email sending services. Includes any known restrictions, etc. All are free.

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Blog Software Comparison Chart

This chart compares the most popular blog software. It is helpful when you can't decide which blog service you want to use. All the information is in a simple chart. Everyone should check it out before registering for a blog.

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20 Ways To Tell You've Been Online Too Long

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