Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Apple makes a concise Ruby on Rails tutorial

Apple has put up a very concise tutorial on building web apps using Rails. It gives a more complete view of Rails than I have seen in other getting-started tutorials and also shows some much better practices like migrations to build the database instead of raw, unportable SQL.

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Where Microsoft Went Wrong With the Xbox 360

What went wrong with the Xbox 360. Glitchs that were never caught. Artificial Supply shortages. Why Microsoft will not be able to compete with Sony's PS3.

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Why won't Dell promote its Linux desktops?

Maybe, because its partner Microsoft doesn't want it--or any other computer vendor--to do so?

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Monday, February 27, 2006

Get Batman-like hidden passageways in your house

A company that makes and sells the parts, motors, and security systems for secret doorways a la Batman - including book levers in the bookshelf to reveal a secret room, reclining chairs that open up to enter a tube slide to another floor, etc. Cool animations of their work.

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Apple makes a concise Ruby on Rails tutorial

Apple has put up a very concise tutorial on building web apps using Rails. It gives a more complete view of Rails than I have seen in other getting-started tutorials and also shows some much better practices like migrations to build the database instead of raw, unportable SQL.

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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Gallery of Da Vinci drawings and sketches

Amazing gallery that reveals Da Vinci's sense of dimension and light.

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Benjamin Franklin's 13 Personal Goals

He kept a daily chart of these 13 goals, and placed a dot next to the ones he failed to abide by each day for the rest of his life. (via lifehacker)

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Copy Your Hard-drive with Free Software

HDClone Free Edition enables you to move the content from an entire hard drive to another, larger one. The program installs itself on a bootable floppy or CD, and include it`s own operating system, so it runs completely independent from Windows.

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Benjamin Franklin�s 13 Personal Goals

He kept a daily chart of these 13 goals, and placed a dot next to the ones he failed to abide by each day for the rest of his life. (via lifehacker)

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Saturday, February 25, 2006

20 great jobs that don't require a degree

What do Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and entertainment mogul David Geffen have in common? Besides being exceedingly rich, none of them has a college degree. Four-year college not only path to well-paid work.

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Learning the Basics of the C Programming Language

Learn C programming from these daily lessons. They're nine days ahead of you already so get busy...

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New AJAX Blogging Engine - Logahead

Interesting stuff.

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Fighting sound with sound, new modeling technique could quiet aircraft

Newly published research by a Princeton engineer suggests that understanding how air travels across the sunroof of a car may one day make jet engines less noisy. This research may ultimately lead to modifications of jet engines to make them quieter as they fly over neighborhoods. It also has important military applications.

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South African tax man eyes desktop Linux

The South African Revenue Service has issued a tender for a proof of concept Linux desktop solution for the tax-collecting government department with a $58 billion revenue. While SARS admits that the challenges of moving to Linux on the desktop are numerous, a successful proof of concept could see 14 000 desktops running Windows migrated to Linux.

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FREE Books: Mastering AJAX

Mastering AJAX explains how to combine these technologies effectively to implement Ajax into your new or existing Web applications. Like you, we are developers who are "in the trenches," tasked with building Web-enabled applications that provide real value to our customers.

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Lost Maya ruins found - from space.

Remains of the ancient Maya culture, have been hidden in the rainforests of Central America for more than 1,000 years. Now, NASA and university scientists are using space- and aircraft-based "remote-sensing" technology to uncover those ruins, using the chemical signature of the civilization's ancient building materials.

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One of the Best Flash Websites Ever

Cubamoon Creative is a new media agency based in Cape Town, South Africa dedicated to the production of high quality design to all our clients. Their site, entirely is Flash is the most awesome site I have ever seen.

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The 2006 Best of Web 2.0

Designtechnica has published their list of favorite Web 2.0 sites out there and categorizes them. Topping the list includes Digg.com, Flickr.com, Vimeo, and several others. Congratulations to these site.

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A Supernova Spectacle Begins

A star in a galaxy not so far way, at least in cosmic terms, is exploding, astronomers say. Already the star outshines its entire galaxy, a smudge of light about 440 million light-years away in the constellation Aries.

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learn how to easily airbrush your photos to make you look like a star!

Ever wonder how they airbrush celebrity photographs, in order to make the star look picture perfect?

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Gmail Guide For Webmasters (With More Than One Email Address)

This advanced guide details how to organise your email and email addresses using just one gmail account :)

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Learning Ruby? Try this.

Here are some practice exercises before you change the world with your grand ideas. This is a great site for smaller sized challenges to help you apply what you're learning. Submit your solution and learn from others' solutions.

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Dell flirts with the Linux desktop

Is Dell is on its way to becoming the first tier-one PC vendor to offer a mainstream business Linux desktop to US customers? It's starting to look that way...

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How the Brain Processes Speech

"Rice University study focuses on merged vowel sounds in different dialects."

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New Linux Professional Institute (LPI) exam prep

Here's a series of well written IBM Linux tutorials to help you learn Linux fundamentals and prepare for system administrator certification. The LPI prep tutorials help you prepare for the topics in LPI exam 201 and the topics in LPI exam 202.

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

London To Be Totally Wi-Fi-Enabled

The City of London Corporation is all set to have Wi-Fi network in place covering the entire city. The project is being undertaken by the corporation in partnership with a private Wi-Fi firm, The Cloud. It is expected to be implemented in full in the next few months.

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IBM demands documents detailing Microsoft's rivalry with Linux

Shed new light on the Redmond's attacks on Linux, MS has a subpeona. Microsoft isn't a party to the litigation but that's under scrutiny since 2003, when Microsoft began licensing Unix technology from SCO.

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Why isn't Mac software installable on Linux?

I was reading newsforge and noticed that they reported on Novell's study of the most requested Linux applications. What was interesting to me is that we keep hearing from companies like Adobe that there is not enough of a demand to have their applications ported to a Linux environment. But why aren't more people discussing the most obvious answer?

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Practical Unix/Linux Networking - A Free Book

Covers Linux and FreeBSD, from administration, network programming, and Samba, All hands-on guides.

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Revolution Dev. Kit $2000, Cheaper than PSP, Developers Guess $150 Price

Numerous developers have recently divulged Revolution dev. kit information, saying they are both extremely inexpensive and near finalized. Costing $2000, this is 10x cheaper than PS2 dev. kit, and even half the original PlayStation.

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Can Humans Mentally Slow Time - Cool experiment

A fascinating read on how scientists were able to prove humans 'see' the world slow down when in a terrifying situation. Also looks how our body clock system was discovered and a rare condition - Permenant Jet lag syndrome.

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Watching the MIT Lectures of Walter Lewin

Watch MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) physics lectures online. There are hours of free videos in these links. And Dr. Walter Lewin is quite humorous and entertaining lecturer with lots of demonstrations.

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Dynamic PHP - Tricks PHP can do that Java/C#/C++ wont

Creating dynamic classes that change themselves at run time and creating new methods and member variables on the fly. You can't do that with the Java, C++, or C# languages.

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Lost Credit Card While Travel

Losing your credit card isn't as disheartening as finding out that a pickpocket stole all of your cash, but for some it's a situation that inspires panic.

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U.S. Grants Patent For Using AJAX

Now any site that uses rich-media technology implementations, including Flash, Flex, Java, Ajax, and XAML, when the rich-media application is accessed on any device over the Internet, including desktops, mobile devices, set-top boxes, and video game consoles will need a licence.

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Google releases new Page Creator

"Google Page Creator is a free online tool that makes it easy for anyone to create and publish useful, attractive web pages in just minutes." Looks good to me!

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New GMail Feature: Smart Replying

When you reply to a message that was sent to an email address other than your gmail.com one, it is now smart enough to use that address as the "from" when replying.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Las Vegas Casino's now outsourcing to India

Casino's are jumping into outsourcing. On first glance, it seems increadible that casino's also need to focus on cost-cutting now but if the opportunity is available, why not! Another incredible part of this story is that software development for casino's will now happen in India - a country in which gambling is illegal.

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Free Software throws a spanner in UK anti-piracy efforts

Mozilla Foundation's Gervase Markham recalls an incident where a UK Trading Standards Officer cannot believe that software licensed under GPL can be redistributed by others. The officer claims it makes it impossible for them to enforce UK anti piracy legislation

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Apple Computer rated the Most Admired Company for Innovation in '06

Fortune's most admired for "Innovation" list: Apple Computer is the most admired company for innovation this year, up from #3 last year.

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Las Vegas Casino's now outsourcing to India

Casino's are jumping into outsourcing. On first glance, it seems increadible that casino's also need to focus on cost-cutting now but if the opportunity is available, why not! Another incredible part of this story is that software development for casino's will now happen in India - a country in which gambling is illegal.

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How Things Work - Explaining the physics of everyday life

A colossal list of digg-worthy questions.

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An Interview with Falko Timme - the Perefct Linux Guy

Falko Timme will be thirty this year. He's possibly one of the most popular mentors for people wanting to become Linux system administrators on the Internet. His step-by-step tutorials have gained a large readership. He's also has a very interesting background.

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How To: Clean Your Keyboard

This guide shows you how to thoroughly clean you keyboard with some simple household items. Your keyboard will look as good as new after.

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10 Things That Will Change The Way We Live

This Forbes story looks at 10 major changes that will probably occur within our lifetimes. The list includes VoIP, WiMax, and $200-per-barrel oil.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New intel iMac -- better than a light bulb!

Apparently the new iMac is so energy efficient that you could use it as a lamp while the CPU is being 100% utilized and probably save on electricity rather than turning on a light in your house.

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104 Freeware and Open Source Apps for Windows!

Here is the list of 104(!) apps which only contains Freeware and Open source software - there aren't any commerical or shareware so you don't have to worry about paying a cent to run those software. And it is great to know the list as it covers many functions. Good digg!

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Apple to hold special event on Feb. 28

Apple has sent out an invitation to select media, including iLounge, to a special event that will be held at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California on February 28th. The invitation, which only features an iCal-like calendar image, reads: Come see some fun new products from Apple.

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New optical effect may be able to make walls transparent

Researchers from Imperial College London and the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, have pioneered the technique which could be used to see through rubble at earthquake sites, or look at parts of the body obscured by bone. Among other things ;)

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OS X x86 opens the door for Mac Apps on Linux?

With the x86 release of OS X, a new opportunity has arisen for the Linux desktop. The ability to run native OS X applications on Linux should now be possible with the implementation of an OS X compatibility layer, similar to WINE.

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OS X x86 opens the door for Mac Apps on Linux?

With the x86 release of OS X, a new opportunity has arisen for the Linux desktop. The ability to run native OS X applications on Linux should now be possible with the implementation of an OS X compatibility layer, similar to WINE.

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The Clock Is Ticking - Earth Hurtles Toward 6.5 Billion

On Saturday, the planet's population will hit the landmark 6.5 billion mark. The bad news: That's more than some say the planet can support. The good news: Um, er... population growth is slowing?

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Interview with Mark Shuttleworth

"Mark Shuttleworth is the founder of Thawte, the first Certification Authority to sell public SSL certificates. After selling Thawte to Verisign, Mark moved on to training as an astronaut in Russia and visiting space. Once he got back he founded Ubuntu, the leading GNU/Linux distribution."

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World's largest Windows error message

This picture is a scream. Network World online editor Adam Gaffin was in New York City over the weekend and snapped this photo of the world's largest Windows error message.

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Is Wine Faster than Windows?

Amazingly enough, in some areas, the Windows emulator Wine is actually faster than Windows itself!

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Firefox Extension Development Tutorial

A nice tutorial teaching how Firefox's Extensions work and how to create them.

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Addicting Flash Game: Blueprint

Place objects in the ball's path to direct the ball to the target. Addicting, as usual.

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Fedora Core 5 Test 3 released

Not posted on the Fedora site yet, but the mirrors have test3 ready for download. Check out a mirror and download from: [mirror]/test/4.92/[arch]/iso/

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SUSE Linux 10.1 Beta4 Released!

SuSE Linux (OpenSuSE) has released the 4th beta in the 10.1 lineup.

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Oil Shockwave Video- Former US Officials Wargame Oil Market Shock

This is a video from the former US officials who ran the wargame "Oil Shockwave" a while back that modeled what civil unrest in Nigeria would do to the oil markets and the economy. Very professional and slick video, definitely worth a look.

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Ubuntu Dapper adds graphical installer goodness

Dapper Drake flight cd 4 is out, and the big change is the addition of a graphical installer called Espresso (about time too). The iso's are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/flight-4/. Also hints of another Ubuntu-based distro.

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Firefox Extension Development Tutorial

A nice tutorial teaching how Firefox's Extensions work and how to create them.

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Addicting Flash Game: Blueprint

Place objects in the ball's path to direct the ball to the target. Addicting, as usual.

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Creating Water From a Tap (Photoshop Tutorial)

This is a great tutorial that will show you how to create a realistic water effect from a tap/faucet.

This technique could also be applied to other places as well.

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I.B.M. Researchers Find a Way to Keep Moore's Law on Pace

An advance in chip-making that could pave the way for new generations of superchips. The development, which comes from materials research in the design of advanced lenses and related technologies, will make it possible to create semiconductors with wires thinner than 30 nanometers, one-third the width in today's industry-standard chips.

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How To: Extracting Video Clips On Linux (Using Free Software)

Here's a great little tutorial on extracting clips from a larger video on linux.

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Study Finds Linux Less Expensive Than Windows

In the survey, the majority of respondents noted that they spent less effort in managing and supporting Linux than they spent on Windows. Over half said that they could diagnose and repair problems in Linux environments in less than 30 minutes.

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What Linux distribution do you use as a desktop? Gentoo

Chron writes: I use Gentoo. I switched from Debian when I built a dual Opteron. At the time there were only a few Linux distros that were ready to run in 64bit with dual ( 32/64 bit ) binary support. I tried them all and ended up trying Gentoo last. (Includes ten reasons he thinks Gentoo is best).

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The Many Unusual Looking Buildings On Earth

Very interesting buildings that you probably have never seen before.

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Linux Supercomputer Breaks 1 Terabyte-Per-Second Mark

Cray's "Red Storm" Linux supercomputer at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico is the first computer ever to pass the 1 TERABYTE-PER-SECOND performance mark on communications among processors.

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The .COM registry contract.

Hang on to your wallet!
If it happens, it's going to adversely affect all of us.

VeriSign wants to control the .COM registry forever??

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Mac Browser Benchmarking: Which Web Browser Is Your Best Bet?

Recently I tested four browsers, Flock, Firefox, Safari, and Camino all against one another in a multitude of areas to see how they stacked up against each other and here are my results. It's very interesting and may get you to change your mind about the browser that you're currently using.

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Evolution of Fedora Core Linux

This is a review written by a daily user of Fedora, looking at how it has changed from its initial release FC1 to the latest (as yet unreleased) FC5. The ideal being the article was to give people a chance to learn a little bit more about Fedora and how it has matured.

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Goowy. A online desktop. Why wait to see if there will be goobuntu?

There is a new "Web 2.0" project known as Goowy (pronounced gui for technical people). The company offers 2gb of email storage with each account and that is how the project started. It has a few new features that make it a very viable web based desktop.

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Videolinux.... A New Linux Distribution

Downloads working, alot of great stuff in one cool wrapper..A New Linux Distribution Focused on DVD Backup, Video Encoding, Editing & Authoring

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Verizon affordable 15mb fiber optic Available

Verizon takes a leap above the rest of the broadband providers and makes 30mb/s home broadband available! 15mb/s is now affordable and under $50 a month.

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Ubuntu Linux 6.04 Alpha 4 - DapperFlight4 Released!

This week brings us Dapper Flight 4, the fourth alpha release of Ubuntu 6.04 - The Dapper Drake. Dapper Flight 4 is the product of over 3 months of tremendous effort to mold the latest and greatest software the Open Source community has to offer into a coherent easy to use whole.

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How to Think Like A Computer Scientist

This is a very through and easy to follow tutorial for Python.

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Linux File Structure - Graphical Representation

Great if you are *nix noob, this could aid as a quick reference of where you will find the files you are looking for :-)

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Javascript Shows More GMail Features

The same guy who predicted the Gmail for domains last week has found two new lines of code that hint at voicemail and evites.com integration.

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Mozilla Talks About Its Plans For Firefox 2.0

The Mozilla Foundation wants to stay at least a few steps ahead of Microsoft's IE7.

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KDE and Gnome Collaborating on Free Desktop Promotion

A quiet revolution is taking place on a young mailing list, one that overturns years of false enmity and makes perfect sense to most free software users. Having competed for the free desktop crown since 1997, collaborating on code but never on promotion, KDE and GNOME have launched an initiative to market and promote the free desktop together.

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1.2 petabytes of storage

This story is about an inventor called Michael Thomas who claims to have a 1.2 petabyte hard disk in the pipeline. He expects it to be ready 'in about four to five years' at a cost of '$750'.

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Sleep on major decisions

Scientists say that for complex decisions, it is best to sleep on it.

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Preview of Gnome 2.14

Here's the preview of Gnome 2.14, with many screenshots. Final version is released on the 15th of March.

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A guide to top color combination in web design

Are you having problems thinking of new color combinations? Do you wish that you could have a reference file for evaluating new color combinations for your website? T...

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Google adds TONS of new widgets for Google's Personalized homepage

I noticed that there are a crapload of new user-created widgets for Google's personalized home, sweet!

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Add digg to your site, in a navigable window.

For example, here's Kevin's digg. To add one to your site, just copy/paste a bit of HTML, and tweak the settings (try your username, a digg search term, a digg category RSS feed, or some of the other built-in services). Questions or comments, please let me know (just follow the link down at the bottom of the Bitty site). -Scott

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100 Fastest Growing Tech Companies

A yearly ranking of businesses whose inventiveness and quick reflexes are helping them set the pace for the economy

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Dogs Inherently Know Calculus

The article explains how dogs determine optimal paths on a moment-by-moment basis. Interesting stuff for all you dog loving mathematicians.

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Sleep A Thing Of The Past

New drugs which will allow people to survive on only two hours sleep a day are being developed, scientists have said.
The drugs will allow people to cope with the pressures of 24-hour society.

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Fixing Linux with Knoppix

First Windows, now Linux. ExtremeTech shows you how to fix Linux with Knoppix, which includes repairing boot issues, working with key system files, and working with Linux partitions.

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Chicago to go city-wide wi-fi

Chicago is getting proposals to join San Francisco and other cities in providing city-wide wi-fi access. No distinct companies are named as of yet (sorry Google). Another big city with free access. How long before the entire country gets there?

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HOWTO: Animated Live Search (Worpdress)

How to set up live search for Wordpress.

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Google Maps Nighttime

Google Maps Nighttime takes the 128 megapixel NASA's "Earth Lights" image and adds a Google Map interface to it using the Google Maps application program interface (API). There are 7 zoom levels to it.

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Guide to Install Compiz and XGL on Ubuntu Linux

XGL and Compiz were recently added to the Ubuntu Dapper repository and this is a guide to get it installed and working using Nvidia cards. Those with ATI cards use the ATI guide linked to at the top of this guide instead. Very fun to play with. WARNING - this is bleeding edge eye candy on an unstable development version of Linux!

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

An Inside Look of Newegg.com from AnandTech.com

A nice look at the inside of Newegg.com. The anandtech.com website had a tour of the company and facility. An impressive automated shipping section.

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Sun GPLs latest UltraSPARC

OpenSPARC project is making the hardware source code of the recently announced UltraSPARC T1 processor available under an Open Source license.

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Alphabetical Directory of Linux Commands

Alphabetical Directory of Linux Commands

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Software to Watch DVDs and All Multimedia Files on Ubuntu

Shows where to get the "restricted" libdvdcss2, win32 codecs and other binaries required to complete you Ubuntu multimedia experience. Includes links to the .deb pacakges in case the repositories are down just when you need it.

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HOWTO: Build a Mini-ITX Linux computer

This is a step by step guide to building your own mini-itx Linux computer which boots off of USB! Its so easy that anyone can do it, but follow the guide.

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Best PC game I've played in a while... and it's free!

Rumble Box is a fast paced 3D action beat-em-up with a unique premise: all of the characters are made of simple objects which stay around in the level even after the character is defeated. The objects pile up, changing the gameplay landscape and altering your combat tactics. This is the most fun I've had with a PC game in quite a while...

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Science for Insomniacs - Coast to Coast AM Is No Wack Job

With its strange brew of alien abductees, spirit seekers and scientists, the show keeps night owls glued to their radios in the post-Art Bell era.

Tag: Radio show alien science

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Javascript Physics Simulation

It's an interactive physics simulation of balls written entirely in Javascript. You can throw the balls with your mouse and adjust elasticity, rolling friction, viscosity and gravitational pull between the balls. Try mixing some positively and negatively massed balls and playing with the gravity adjustment :)

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Complete List of Web 2.0 Products and Services

The entire list of Web 2.0 applications that are out there.. Great list, nothing can beat it... Must digg link...

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Get a Master's Degree On Linux

Novell has teamed up with Charles Sturt University in Australia to offer what we believe is the first Masters Degree focused on Linux. The degree program includes obtaining Novell's Certified Linux Engineer certification, including passing of the Novell Practicum exam.

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"I Got Accepted at Google!".....What 7 Ivy League Employers have to Offer

Companies are once again hiring. Here's what 7 ivy-league employers have to offer: Signature Benefits (Pixar: Guest Speakers like Penn & Teller), Perks (Xbox consoles stashed in alcoves), Sample Lunch Menu (Electronic Arts: Grilled habanero pork chops with apple chutney, Campus News (Merck: Free Drugs)

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Gentoo founder resigns Microsoft.

As of 09 January 2006, Robbins handed in his notice to Microsoft and is planning his return to Albuquerque, N.M.

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How MY SPACE grew into a Monster - Learning from Flaws of Competition

The Internet has a rising star whose name isn't Google. Just over 2 years old, MySpace now has 2 1/2 times the traffic of Google Inc., and it quickly eclipsed Friendster as the top social-networking site where users build larger and larger circles of friends.

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1 in 2 chance you'll misunderstand a text-based Internet message

Study shows that even though the sender will expect you to understand their tone and meaning 80% of the time, you'll really only understand them about 50% of the time. This is because "people aren't that good at imagining how a message might be understood from another person's perspective."

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Ubuntu & Windows Graphical HowTO for Dual Booting

This is a step by step graphical howto for dual booting windows xp and ubuntu linux.

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Top Ten List of Programming Advice to NOT Follow

Addresses some of the most common things people are being told about programming with which the author disagrees.

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HOW TO - Build a Linux cluster with the MsnTV

"After socketing the msntv bios and poking around. I managed to get Linux running and even better managed to get it running without any hardware modifications. (via engadget)

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Zelda Pushed To Nintendo Revolution Launch

This goes along with recent reports stating that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess would be pushed to the Revolution as either an exclusive launch title, or a GameCube game with the added functionality of the Revolution Free Hand Controller support for when you played it on the Revolution.

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Free Geek gives away free linux based machines

Train volunteers to run the business and work solely with donated electronic items to make them reusable or recyclable. In the process, teach volunteers how the business works and how to rebuild computers, allowing them to adopt a computer after 24 hours of volunteer service, giving them on-the-job training, as well as a social outlet.

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Seagate announces first 12GB 1 inch harddrive!!!

Seagate announces 12GB microdrive to be used in moble phones, and other type devices.

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Einstein's Theory 'Improved'?

A Chinese astronomer has fine-tuned Einstein's groundbreaking theory of gravity, creating a 'simple' theory which could solve a dark mystery that has baffled astrophysicists for three-quarters of a century.

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Google Windows apps coming to Linux

Google is working with CodeWeavers to bring the first of what may be many of its Windows desktop applications to the Linux desktop.

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Psychology of Color

"Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms?"

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Yahoo! User Interface Blog - new blog for all things AJAX

Imagine if you could hire a crack team of javascript and dhtml experts. Imagine then if you had them create a killer set of AJAX tools - along with an awesome array of API's and Design Patterns. This is what you are getting now for free from the Yahoo web development group.

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Firefox Has Gained Over 10% Market Share Worldwide!

Firefox has gained over 10% market share worldwide currently, in under a year! Now help Mozilla promote their 2006 plan for Firefox v2.0 & v3.0

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Convert any HTML, Word, or Excel to pdf for Free

While trying to find a way to convert my existing Resume into a pdf file I stumbled across this site and though I'd pass it along as it could be useful to many.

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Does Dell beat MacBook Pro on price? Comparison Chart Included

This article compares the pros and cons of a dell laptop to the apple laptop. Barebones specs shows that the dell is a clear winner, but if you want a lapto with the bells and whistles on the dell then you will need to pay more than the macbook. And don't forget about OS X vs windows.

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Linux is no tougher to manage than Windows

People say that a lot, but now there's proof.

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Korea Develops Running Robot

"South Korea has developed a robot that is capable of running. The feat is the second in the world after Japan and was accomplished by a local venture start-up working on a small budget."

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Google Running Logs

Google Running Logs is a software package that lets you automatically upload your runs from a GPS watch (like the Garmin Forerunner 201 or 301) to your web site to be displayed in a nifty Google Map. The map will show an animated view of your runs showing mile markers, pace per mile, and distance travelled.

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Biggest Lightning Storm Ever Recorded on Saturn

Scientists are tracking the strongest lighting storm ever detected at Saturn. The storm is larger than the continental United States, with electrical activity 1,000 times stronger than the lightning on Earth.

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C++ implementation of Falling sand game

A C++ implementation of the popular Falling and game found at http://chir.ag/stuff/sand/ Features include steam, torches, no gravity mode, and more

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Palm OS to be replaced by a version of Linux

Access, the company that purchased PalmSource, will be releasing a Linux-based platform for handhelds and smartphones. What will this mean for Linux, Windows Mobile, smartphones, handhelds, media players, etc? Discuss below, let you're imagination drive your comments.

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You bored of videogames? So is Nintendo, and they're trying to help!

We all know gaming has been sucking ass for about 2 or 3 years now. There are one or two great titles that have come out, but the rest is mediocre crap. This is an article written by Reggie, head of PR at Nintendo telling you why disruptive changes are going to change the video game market

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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Google Web Editor

"Google has a project codenamed trogdor, an ajax webpage editor for creating web pages. = geocities except with a javascript page creator."

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Complete List of Web 2.0 Products and Services

The entire list of Web 2.0 applications that are out there.. Great list, nothing can beat it... Must digg link...

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

The most secure OS on the planet?

An OS that can't be hacked? An introduction to Linux distros that use "mandatory access controls" and what they might mean for the future.

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Free Software site comtaining many useful things

This site has a great dictionary program that combines 37 dictionaries into one (also availible for Linux), free flash games compilation (about 700 games), an open-source Project Gutenberg application which contain almost 10,000 books, and other interesting software.

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HowTo: Boot 100+ different OS's in one computer

Amazing how this guy has installed in one box so many OS's: 3 Dos, 3 Windows, 5 BSDs, 2 Solaris, 97 Linux Distros. Here he explains how to configure Grub and menu to handle his 100+ installed operating systems.

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Netflix's best customers penalized

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Get a Master's Degree On Linux

Novell has teamed up with Charles Sturt University in Australia to offer what we believe is the first Masters Degree focused on Linux. The degree program includes obtaining Novell's Certified Linux Engineer certification, including passing of the Novell Practicum exam.

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Screen shots of the next version of Java under Linux

Java Swing applications have not always looked native under Linux, even when using the GTK look and feel. Sun promised that was about to change when JDK 1.6 (Mustang) is released. In this article, we downloaded the latest release version and tested those claims. We were impressed with what we saw.

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The Matrix: Explained

This guy wrote two extremely detailed analytical essays about the iconography and symbolism in Reloaded and Revolutions. Whether you loved or hated the movies, it's a fascinating read.

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The Birthday Paradox Revisited

if you're sitting in a room with forty people in it, what are the chances that two of those people have the same birthday?...Not 11% as most would conclude but in reality, due to Math's convoluted reasoning, the odds are about 90%. This phenomenon is known as the Birthday Paradox

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Procrastination: Ten Things To Know

"There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most sure-fire just might be procrastination. Procrastinators sabotage themselves. They put obstacles in their own path. They actually choose paths that hurt their performance."

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OpenOffice Advertisements on Buses (Pictures)

On the streets of Redmond, Wash. -- aka the center of all evil in the known universe -- you can now find buses bedecked with, well, look for yourself!

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Experience of Migrating from WinXP to Linux (Kubuntu)

Blogger talks about his experiences in switching from WinXP to Kubuntu linux for his primary desktop. Mentions some great apps you may not have heard of (Katapult), screenshots of Amarok in action etc. He also compares some of the Kubuntu apps to the equivalent app in Mac OS X (he has an iBook too).

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10GBs of High Resolution Wallpapers 1600 x 1200 Enjoy

Well I stumbled upon this great website that has 90 pages of great quality wallpapers ranging from cars to ladies to landscapes... have fun..

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Gmail for your domain

This special beta test lets you give Gmail, Google's webmail service, to every user at your domain. Gmail for your domain is hosted by Google, so there's no hardware or software for you to install or maintain.

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First International Rails Conference - Sold out in less than a week

Ruby and Rails mania aren't letting up. The First International Rails Conference (featuring big-name speakers like Paul Graham, Martin Fowler, and Dave Thomas---not to mention the creator of Rails itself) has sold out after less than a _week_ of open registration.

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NYC Mayor Bloomberg fires a dude for just SEEING solitaire on his computer

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How to Take a Caffeine Nap. . .

Researchers have found that the best way to stay awake is to drink a cup of coffee, or other caffeinated beverage, and then take an immediate nap sleep. See details here. . .

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Graph of the "Digg Effect"

Interesting photo I came across showing a graph of the digg effect.

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Google software allows remote access to PCs

Google Inc. is offering a new tool that will automatically transfer information from one personal computer to another, but anyone wanting that convenience must authorize the Internet search leader to store the material for up to 30 days.

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Microsoft Vs. Linux: Get the facts - The real ones

The man behind http://secure-my-email.com/ weighs in on the Microsoft "Get The Facts" campaign and discusses what Microsoft fails to mention...

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Google Desktop 3 extreme launched

Hot Features:
- Share information with your friend's right from the Sidebar
- Floating panels on your desktop
- Play multi-user games (Tic Tac Toe)
- View personalized news, photos, and more on your desktop
- Find your emails, files, photos, web history, Gmail, and more
- Security: Lock Search
- Advanced Search

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Two ways Microsoft sabotages Linux desktop adoption

This columnist shows how Microsoft's lock-in strategies work behind the scenes to stop Linux desktop adoption, drawing on the stories of two IT pros experiences.

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

New sleeping bag means you never have to get out of bed again!

A great new sleeping bag designed so you never have to get out of beg again. I would also suspect it's great for those freezing cold mornings when I'm camping and the sun isn't up yet.

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Discover new bands, artists, movies, and books

Gnod is a self-adapting system, living on this server and 'talking' to everyone who comes along. Gnods intention is to learn about the outer world and to learn 'understanding' its visitors. This enables gnod to share all its wisdom with you in an intuitive and efficient way. You might call it a search-engine to find things you don't know about.

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Programmers get their own search engine

A tool, known as Krugle, is designed to deliver easy access to source code and other highly relevant technical information in a single, clean, easy-to-use interface for programmers. Krugle works by crawling, parsing, and indexing code found in open source repositories and code that exists in archives, mailing lists, blogs, and Web pages.

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Amazing Photos of China

Forget everything you think you know about China and take a couple minutes to ponder these images. Few people in the Western world know about the hidden beauty of China. Well..... of course it helps to have an ace photographer who can capture this land of enchantment as no other has. But these are some truly inspiring photos.

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Indonesia Lost World With PICS!!!

The pictures of the new species found in Indonesia.
Pretty amazing!

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Browsing For Browsers

"[PC Magazine looks] at the top non-IE browsers, as well as an early version of Microsoft's latest."

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GMail Code Hints at Coming Feature

Looking at the GMail's javascript source gives a pretty good hint that Google is developing a service that will let you use GMail as a server rather than just a client, similar to what Yahoo provides. This article walks us through what he has found and imagines how a service like this would work.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Gmail Adds New Chats Feature

Gmail Adds New Chats Feature

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Google To Telcos: Who Needs You?

Telcos like AT&T and Verizon have announced their plans to extort money from Google and other sites if those sites want to get adequate bandwidth. But there's some evidence that Google may be planning to bypass the Telcos altogether, and roll out its own national broadband service.

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New drug increases dreaming

New pill increases REM sleep, and may also combat addictions and curb appetite.

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Scientists Find 'Lost World' in Indonesia

Describing a "Lost World" apparently never visited by humans members of the team said Tuesday they also saw large mammals that have been hunted to near-extinction elsewhere and discovered dozens of exotic new species of frogs, butterflies and palms.

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Verizon: We're Ending Google's "Free Lunch"

One more member of the Telco mafia has threatened Google with a bandwidth cutoff. Verizon senior VP and general counsel John Thorne told a conference that Google "is enjoying a free lunch," by using Verizon's network, and issued a veiled threat to cut off Google's bandwidth.

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Mozilla Firefox Start Page

The best

Read more at www.google.com/firefox?...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Original Firefox team member takes on new IE7 beta

Asa Dotzler takes on the new IE7 beta in a post detailing why it still falls short of Firefox. "We've done amazing work here at Mozilla over the last few years, [...] causing the largest software company in the world to get up off its butt and start thinking about users again." He also note that a severe IE7 flaw was found 15 minutes after release!

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AOL and Yahoo Charging Customers $$$ to Send Emails

Say it ain't so... America Online and Yahoo, two of the world's largest providers of e-mail accounts, are about to start using a controversial system that gives preferential treatment to messages from companies that pay from 1/4 of a cent to a penny each to have them delivered.

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HOW TO: Speed Read!

Learn the techniques to read anything faster!

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Friday, February 03, 2006

Ubuntu on top of the world!

One of the most recent Linux distributions, Ubuntu, has gain such a popularity among users that for the last 12 months is the number one choice for Linux users, thanks to its integration with systems, and particularly laptops, and small cycle of releases. Distrowatch has the numbers for this little pet of Mark Shuttleworth.

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Send a SMS Text Message to any phone for FREE with Google

Ok, Ok, I know you will only save 10 cents by using this service, but you get to use your keyboard to type. Save time, save (a little) money. Might as well bookmark this because you will probably want to use it later.

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Caffeine Free: Blue Light Makes People Alert at Night

There's much more than meets the eye to how we perceive light, researchers have learned in recent years. The latest revelation: blue light helps fend off drowsiness in the middle of the night.

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The Stranglehold of Broadband Monopolies in the U.S.

Broadband access is the new electricity... without universal access, we will be left in the dust by countries like Japan and Korea where they are deploying broadband that's 500 times faster than ours. Lobbyists make my blood boil!!!

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ReactOS: the end of Windows XP/NT?

ReactOS is a free clean room implementation of Windows NT! ReactOS aims to achieve complete binary compatibility with both applications and device drivers meant for NT and XP operating systems, by using a similar architecture and providing a complete and equivalent public interface.

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How Products Are Made

Everyone knows about HowStuffWorks.com, but this site describes how hundreds of things are made!

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Seven Secrets of Successful Programmers

Nice quick list of seven good programming practices.

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Novell Linux 10 Screenshots

If you've read about the new version of Novell Linux, then you're may have seen these screenshots. If not here they are again since they weren't mentioned in the original article. If the new version looks like this it could be quite cool, these are supposedly just mockups, but I love the new interface, very simplistic.

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Firefox Extensions Say it All - Real Wealth vs. Paper Money

[A]ny doubts about the source of innovation in information technology, you should look at the Mozilla web site. count 1,028 extensions contributed. Then take a look at the themes section. Even the colossus of Redmond with its billions of dollars hasn't mustered that kind of development effort. Now, let's get familiar with underlying reasons.

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Tons of PS3 Details Revealed!

The March issue of PSM not only reveals details about Sony's new online service set to take on Xbox Live, but also that the PS3 will act as a DVR and a Location Free Player for the PSP. Let the hype begin!

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2.0Culture - How to design Web 2.0 look-a-like websites

A comprehensive summary of design issues on Web 2.0 web design. This one is focusing on a design related point of view instead of the usual Ajax / Web2.0 API approach. Basic, yet highly interesting facts on why those websites look as cool as they do - while still being dead simple web design.

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Black Holes FAQ

Almost everything abou Black Holes

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Install Ubuntu Without Risking Harm to Windows: Install to an External HD

While many people are intrigued by the live Linux CDs which are readily available, some are still worried that installing Linux on their hard drive could kill Windows (and if they're not careful, they're right). By installing Ubuntu to an external hard drive, nearly all of that risk is taken away through these step-by-step instructions...

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Automatically back up your hard drive

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Create your own Tesla Coil

Do it yourself Tesla Coil.

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Fixing Windows with Knoppix

A bootable CD or DVD with Knoppix can be a lifesaver when your computer goes awry. ExtremeTech guides you through the process of fixing Windows with Knoppix, which includes resizing Windows partitions, solving key system file problems, and recovering data

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Sexual Chemistry Only Lasts Two Years

Study shows the bodily chemistry which makes people sexually attractive to new partners lasts, at most, two years. Then its time for a new chemistry set.

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Computer Generated Planets Produce Extraterrestrial Life

The scientists and researchers from NASA and SETI started out with two Earth-like planets "Aurelia" and "Blue Moon" with some key changes in atmospheric density, orbit, etc. Then they performed some crazy computer simulations and came up with detailed visions of the types of life that would inhabit these alternate worlds. (from Snarkmarket.com)

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Why George Lucas Sold Pixar To Steve Jobs

It was twenty years ago this month that George Lucas sold Pixar to Stve Jobs. This short story explains why.

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Novell Desktop Linux 10 Video Demonstration

Check out these video demonstrations of Novell Desktop Linux 10. Transparent Video, being dragged around the screen, while playing, and the window "Wobbles" while you drag it. Also switching virtual desktops looks cool (does a 3D cube affect). Looks like Alt-Tab switching is cool, and looks like it has "expose" type affects like Mac OS X.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tiny pipes that move water 10,000 times as fast as the conventional laws

Scientists at the University of Kentucky have built tiny pipes that move water 10,000 times as fast as the conventional laws of fluid flow allow, mimicking for the first time the seamless way fluids progress through our cells.

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Spider pwns a snake

'Bloemfontein, South Africa - An office receptionist got the shock of her life earlier this week when she found a 14cm long Aurora house snake entangled in the web of a deadly spider.'

Pretty scary.

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Ubuntu on top of the world!

One of the most recent Linux distributions, Ubuntu, has gain such a popularity among users that for the last 12 months is the number one choice for Linux users, thanks to its integration with systems, and particularly laptops, and small cycle of releases. Distrowatch has the numbers for this little pet of Mark Shuttleworth.

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Host Your Own Website Using Ubuntu and Your DSL or Cable Line

I found this tutorial very helpful, as I am setting up a server in my home to host my websites. Very informative. Quit paying BS hosting fees every month; you already pay monthly for the internet connection to your home!

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